This Webinar For PPV Marketing Was Amazing!

27/08/2013 06:32

I’m talking about Mark Stafford’s webinar. He really did a fantastic job. And even though I knew quite a lot about PPV marketing I’ve learned a ton of new things.


One of those things was Photoshop slice tool. Apparently, you can easily create a landing page for your CPA offer, using their original landing. Just take some elements from them, add a button and use slicer tool to carefully slice it for the web. Then export it as web template and you will have a bunch of images and code.


Next thing Mark taught in his Webinar for PPV Marketing was Dreamweaver.


Adobe Dreamweaver that is. He showed us how to use that code we had from Photoshop and how to edit it. It’s pretty easy and everyone can do that. You don’t necessarily need Dreamweaver for it, but with this software it’s easier. So you can link your button to original CPA page and upload everything else as is (unless you did more modifications. Usually a line or two of text and a button work very well).


Since both landings will be very similar (remember, you are using original CPA offer landing) process will be very seamless for your visitors. This will greatly increase your conversions. But as always – you will have to test. PPV marketing requires extensive testing, but it’s worth it. Plus you don’t want to waste your money, don’t you?


Mark was also talking about lots of other cool stuff, but I knew most of it. However, those technical bits were extremely helpful – now I can create a great landing page in 15 minutes or so. Much faster than before, and it looks so much better – earlier I had to create these landings from zero. And they weren’t pretty..


For someone who is new to PPV this Webinar for PPV Marketing will be extremely helpful.


Yes, because Mark covers the basics, covers the offers, sizes of landing pages, and so on. He also talks about pop-ups and pop-unders. You should always use pop-up, by the might be more intrusive, but it always gets more clicks, so your money is used more efficiently.


Webinar is totally free so that’s why everyone have to attend it. Mark Stafford also has a product for PPV marketing – in this product he goes over every single step in great detail, basically covering everything you need to know about PPV marketing. Even though I haven’t bought it, I’m sure it’s worth the money – value provided in the webinar was fantastic.